VALKYRIE: Eastern Front '43 EVERYMAN Edition

VALKYRIE: Eastern Front '43 EVERYMAN Edition
    Price: $109.95
    Shipping Weight: 2.00 pounds
    Quantity in Basket: None
    On the bitterly cold winter day of 12 December, amidst the relentless storms sweeping the Steppe, the Germans initiated Operation Wintergewitter, a desperate attempt to extricate von Paulus and his beleaguered 6th Army, encircled within the Stalingrad pocket. These military endeavors, which historians might laud as heroic, saw the 6th Panzer Division securing a precarious foothold on the north bank of the Mishkova River. Such actions did not escape the notice of STAVKA. Unbeknownst to the German command, significant enemy forces were already strategically positioned between Stalingrad and its would-be liberators. Erich von Manstein maintained a slender hope that his counterpart, von Paulus, could break out and join forces with Hoth. However, these hopes were not grounded in feasible logistical considerations. 

    By 17 December, not a single Junkers transport had reached Gumrak. The 6th Army, under the codenamed plan "Thunderclap," was estimated to possess barely enough fuel for their armored and motorized units to advance 18 miles beyond the pocket. Furthermore, von Manstein, in urging von Paulus to initiate Thunderclap independently, was unaware of the enemy forces—the 98th Division of the 1st Corps, the 3rd Guards of the 13th Corps, and the 2nd Mechanized Corps—massing in defensive positions between Hoth and von Paulus.

    This was the final Ride of the Valkyrie for German arms on the Eastern Front of World War II. There would be more battles, but nicht, in terms of hopes for victory over an ascendant Red Army.

    VALKYRIE: EVERYMAN EDITiON provides the experience of the desolate Russian Steppe, faced by the men of resolute Generals Hoth and von Manstein. The module provides a bespoke, new map measuring 36" × 54", and that breaks the boundaries of geomorphic boards to createve evocative terrain where ALL of the 12 scenarios are set. This is a Friday Emailer special price and also provides 560 German Classic Blau MMC/SMC/SW to use in the scenarios from the latest counter print run with what WE consider the coolest German soldiers our artist ever brought to life.

    Also includes new color folio and special rules card.

    The price and counters on this page expire on 6 January 2025. Will the hopes of Hoth and von Manstein also expire in the winter balsts of January ... 1943?