TWILIGHT OF THE REICH: The Battle of Berlin

TWILIGHT OF THE REICH: The Battle of Berlin
    Code: TWI_BERLIN_18
    Price: $99.95
    Shipping Weight: 4.00 pounds
    Quantity in Basket: None
    Brand new counters- in 5/8" size for the first time for this collection A map that some DOUBLE the hex size. Berlin aerial inset from Allied intel for the Urban Map. New color play aid, rules presentation - the works Plus an introductory price until a Führerbefehle says otherwise. Row #3 in the above Friday Emailer image gets you the look of the new play aids for All Quiet -same presentation for TWILIGHT.

    We have some great, direct feedback from game designer Vance von Borries:

    1. Set up card instead of text

    2. Berlin rules material in separate section

    3. Better North German Plain explanation

    Vance can rest assured, we're listening and the new TWILIGHT OF THE REICH will snap a crisp salute and follow orders!


  • > 440 color die-cut counters depicting the military formations that saw action in the battle - MORE counter and in 5/8" size!
  • > Operational level historical map of the battlefield from the Elbe to the Oder - about DOUBLE the hex size of before!
  • > Inset Berlin STREET LEVEL tactical map detailing the entire defense network of the city in 1945 - uses actual BERLIN aerial!
  • > Full SIze COLOR PLAY AID - the new presentation for your 'MiH Binder'
  • > New rulebook in 3-hole, full color for your 'MiH Binder'
  • > Color folio