RED Ice: Finland vs. REDS 1939-41

RED Ice: Finland vs. REDS 1939-41
    Code: RED_ICE
    Price: $79.95
    Shipping Weight: 4.00 pounds
    Quantity in Basket: None
    Fire and Ice is sold out and superseded by this new module - new maps, counters.

    “Fire and Ice” is sold out and just running a re-print of the one counter sheet and gear from that – snooozer.

    Instead, a new RED ICE edition has been born – and brings you three sheets of counters for the Finns – including MMC and SMC that you can use in the scenarios from those other people – to your heart’s content. Better yet, deploy them (or even Deploy them) on the new set of 11” × 16” geo boards that replace those 8”-inchers from other people, nothing against other people.

    But something for the love of the genre, this war, where we trod over 20 years ago. Humbly, low tech, yes. Growing over time and now in Cool Grey Finns and RED Russians (with classic brown Russian AFVs added for the heavies as a bonus).

    Needless to say, getting at the Finns in winter garb for MOTTI TACTICS seens gauche when one trots them out for “Mannerheim’s Dream” in Karelia – so we get you the MMC SMC collection in Continuation War garb too.

    New counter types not found in Fire and Ice. Maps, new. No use of skinny compatibility mapping.

    Back to that story telling – have you tried a six-foot MOTTI-map based scenario yet, with ski troops galor? No, but you will.

    You owe it to yourself to have a long, truly evocative map. Then surround the hapless Ivans and cut them to pieces.
