Christmas Eve in the German headquarters brought forth some cognac and a few Prosits but in the main was devoted to preparations for a major attack on Christmas Day. As late as the evening of the 24th Luettwitz hoped to obtain more troops from the 15th Panzer Grenadier Division, but the Fuehrer had other ideas. Earlier in the day the Fifth Panzer Army commander posed a question which finally reached Jodl and Hitler: should he turn to finish off Bastogne or continue, with the bulk of his divisions, toward the Meuse and seize the Marche plateau in an attempt to widen the German thrust? Hitler's answer, finally relayed by Model, was that the attack to seize the Marche plateau should be continued with all available forces. This answer did nothing to relieve Manteuffel’s worries about his thin and endangered southern flank.
To leave Bastogne as a sally port onto his left rear made no military sense to this experienced soldier-so Manteuffel ordered that Bastogne be taken on 25 December. The attack order read: “Displacement of the enemy at Bastogne.” The original time schedule was exceedingly optimistic: to put in the infantry assault at 0400; to break through the American rifle line by 0600, at which time the artillery could see to fire on targets of opportunity and the tanks would be able to move with speed; and to rush an armored group from the 15th Panzer Grenadier into Bastogne between 0800 and 0900 hours before the American fighter-bombers took to the air. The optimism breathed by this schedule must have expired shortly after it was put on paper although the plan remained. The result in the Champs sector would be anti-climactic: the 26th Volksgrenadiers were able to capture a few buildings on the outskirts of Bastonge.
It's just data - this publisher was part of the KGP II playtest and had the designer (and his lady) Philippe Leonard - as a guest in my home. I only mention that to buttress my prerogatives -- in re publishing a BULGE homage while we present a new geo board format where EACH board is a large-hex, 2-part, with both parts labeled for ease of matching up.
12 BULGE boards with a new GEO format in Winterized look and large hexes
8 scenarios that play on them
Color folio
>>>> Order during the weekend of September 20-23, 2024 and get 8 MORE Bonus Bulge scenarios that play on the boards + 40 MMC - U.S. in classic green and German + 280 overhead U.S. MMC/SMC in classic green + 140 U.S. 1944 Winter MMC/SMC/SW in winter uniforms + 140 Waffen SS MMC/SMC in winter greatcoats FREE.