Untitled Document
It is high time that you start building
your ATS Great War collection as the YANKS ARE COMING!
Ownership of GWATS 1: Tankschreken! is a pre-requisite and of
course, the ATS Rulebook 2014.
you guessed it! The Americans enter the fray with all the fanfare
that was mustered as they boarded ships to save Europe. The proud,
but untested doughboys could not have know what was
waiting for them over there ... specifically, battle-hardened
German soldiers, led by officers that knew victory first-hand.
And were fighting for the Vaterland....
New military art created by CH just for
your gaming tables? Check. New men and machines? Check. New situations?
Check. New geo boards to play it on? Yup. And in the larger, new
AP-style 11 × 16 format? Check. And ALL the
boards needed for the included scenarios? Checkmate! Ownership
of GWASL I and GWASL II is required ... as you know the Battle
of Belleau Wood pitted Americans, alongside French and British
troops as they faced down the Kaisers 1918 Spring Offensive!
Includes eight new scenarios, two sheets of counters, all the
geo boards needed to play the scenarios, folio, and special rules.