CH 2 Annual Style Bundle

CH 2 Annual Style Bundle
    Code: CH_2_Annual_Style
    Price: $59.95
    Shipping Weight: 1.00 pounds
    Quantity in Basket: None
    The CH-2 Annual Style Bundle brings the magazine that set out to top the one that started it ALL > with more scenairos than ever AND more bonus material. That includes a FREE Bulge mini-module with 6 geo boards  - first time trimmmed edge to edge just like those 'official' ones you like (Moderns style for those that know that gear). Instead of bye-bye it's hello - and the set plays with your standard counter collection.

    >>>> CH-2 Annual Style Bundle also brings you that fresh layout that is the hallmark of the entire library of this collection.

    >>>>> You also receive a sheet of color, die-cut counters, publisher's choice - provisioned so you have cardboard to clip while you watch old episodes of Combat!

    >>>>>>> Last but not least, you get the CH Scenario collection fully-remastered in the Annual Style presentation - THE ANSWER to our correspondent's question. And one that applies to the ENTIRE collection unil ALL are in hand.