ASLComp Buna EVERYMAN Edition

ASLComp Buna EVERYMAN Edition
    Code: BUNA_EN
    Price: $99.95
    Shipping Weight: 4.00 pounds
    Quantity in Basket: None
    BUNA, NEW GUINEA, 19 November 1942: While 1st Battalion hugged the coast, 3rd Battalion, 128th, trudged along the track from Simemi village toward the New Strip. The 3rd Battalion advanced about 500 yards southwest of the New Strip, while 1st Battalion was approximately abreast on the coast. Our troops suffered from malaria and dengue fever prevalent in the region. They also suffered from depression and lassitude caused by the climate and inadequate food; salt and vitamin tablets did no more than alleviate the situation. Within 2 weeks of our entry into the area the rate of sickness began to climb, and at all times thereafter a heavy percentage of every combat unit was hospitalized by malaria and other fevers. For every two men who were battle casualties, five were out of action from fever. Daily doses of quinine or atabrine were compulsory but only suppressed the symptoms. Jungle, swamp, stifling climate, insects, fever-all these and the Japanese were the enemies of our troops. In the words of one of their own number. Along with difficulties resulting from the terrain went problems inherent in the uniformly hot and muggy climate. At Buna a rise in temperature of 1° or 2° F. increases physical discomfort tremendously. To make matters worse, the fighting took place in the months when precipitation, temperature, and humidity are highest. In December of a normal year, the temperature ranges between 72° and 89° F., and the humidity averages 82 per cent. During this month, the average precipitation of 14½ inches falls in heavy tropical showers with intervening periods of clear weather. The men of 3rd Battalion fared no better than their brethren of 1st Battalion. Confusion was the common factor, units cut off, enemy incoming fire came in from well concealed positions. With this attack the Buna operation really commenced. It was not to be marked by broad strategic movements, for the terrain limited our action to a series of penetrations along well-defined corridors through the impassable swamps.

    >> What has 20 boards, 2 beach landing scenarios AND FREE 88 5/8" counters of Japanese naval assets PLUS 140 free USA Early War Marines (to use in other stuff)? The BUNA Everyman Edition, with fully re-mastered map - only for the weekend of 5-8 July 2024.