Untitled Document
STONNE, FRANCE, 15 May 1940: Soon after the withdrawal of the H39s of the 1st
Company of the 45th BCC at 0730 hours, the heavy tanks of the
49th Battalion followed. After several passed through the seemingly
empty streets, and in the absence of friendly infantry, the Char
B1bis took position at the south edge of the village while
the Gross Deutschland cautiously infiltrated the town with more
and more support weapons. The next move by the French was another
incursion by Char B1bis, three of them ending up destroyed.
Alarm was given at the higher echelons but the 10th Panzer command
thought that the tanks of the 8th Regiment were still accompanying
the IRGD infantrymen, so no reinforcements were sent. At 1030
hours, the main attack kicked off. Heavy enemy return fire was
faced and progress was slow and murderous. Then the anti-tank
nest was destroyed and the French infantry reached the gardens
and houses, the pressure forcing the Germans to withdraw to a
position four miles north of Stonne, covered by the fire from
their StuG self-propelled Company.
We heard what you wanted and here it
is AND then some. Our pledge remains
true > keep the catalog in print and moving forward. To that
end, thte LONG OVERDUE remake of STONNE HEIGHTS, with the largest-hex
map ever, all that terrin art you crave, really the module just
as envisioned 'back in the old days' when it was being created
and there were no limits. You get an all new map edition with
some terrain fixes, plus retro art and hexes almost 150% larger
than before + Combat counters needed to play including some FREE
German retro AFVs to fill out the OOB - + the scenarios in color
format for the first time and BW special rules
color folio.
NOTE: THIS IS A VERY LIMITED PRINT RUN and as long as you see the page you can reserve
your copy. This module ships in 1-3 weeks. Ownership of the ATS
Rulebook 2014 is required + standard system small and large markers.