ASLComp PARTISAN REVENGE: Partisan Warfare on the Easrtern Front

ASLComp PARTISAN REVENGE: Partisan Warfare on the Easrtern Front
    Price: $79.95
    Shipping Weight: 5.00 pounds
    Quantity in Basket: None
    This is PARTISAN REVENGE: Partisan Warfare on the Eastern Front. It updates the map and situations from the former "Bandenkreig" - long, long overdue. This module is made for owners of CH's NATIONALITY Sets providing Waffen SS and Partisans - AND can be played by those that own any editions of modules that provide 5-2-7/3-3-7 Russiand and 5-4-8/4-4-7 SS MMCs. That's a wide latitude for compatibility - although we suggest you get at this with our NAT Sets - whether your choice of Partisan is 'Classic Russian' brown, or RED - and whether you are a Feldgrau, Blau or Black counter man. Freedom of choice is all about YOUR enjoyment.

    The scenarios are in colorized, updated format and the included batch covers actions from parts of Bandenkreig, plus new ones - and please note with the NAT Set approach, these are NOT the previous scenario OOBs. Plus, there's scenarios never published before,, color Special Rules in 3-hole format, newly remastered map, including some level changes/correction, the state of the art RETRO terrain art, deeper 'forest green' interior for Forests, and more. It's just better and new.

    ALL of the scenarios in this module have Ground Snow - making them a perfect fit for the WINTERIZED map. What's more, you'll find a batch of never before published scenarios from the secret PARTISAN archive.

    These print upon ordering and are here and now. Includes the WINTER version of the map.