ASLComp Overhead French MMC/SMC

ASLComp Overhead French MMC/SMC
    Code: ASL_OVER_Fren
    Price: $17.95
    Shipping Weight: 1.00 pounds
    Quantity in Basket: None
    With decades of looking at overhead views of tanks and ordnance, not to mention aerial renditions of terrain, the time has come to complete the presentation. We had a choice: make counters for tanks and guns with side views, or Personnel with OVERHEAD views.

    We chose OVERHEADS. And it’s about time! The good news is these boys WILL be ‘home for Christmas’… and then some as they are done and out to be die-cut in the current batch on the machines the week of November 8-12, with packing and shipping to follow that.

    Since these were the very final piece of a large counter print run, this is a VERY small batch. First come, first served – page up you nail YOURS. They ship when in hand here.

    This is the CORE 5 – Russian/German/American/British/French Nationalities and you get 20 of EACH MMC type, enough to play 99% of all the scenarios ever published. Need more, nail more sheets, it’s your command and these cardboard troops follow orders to a ‘T’.

    We plan to fill out the collection beyond the CORE 5, with Marines, Japanese, and more, so you can expect a full set in your capable hands. Ten hut!
