Outside Saint-Sylvain, FRANCE, 8 August 1944: Operation “Totalize”, the Canadian attack down the Caen to Falaise Road, began with a night bombing by over a thousand British heavy bombers. By dawn on 8 August, Canadian and Highlander infantry had advanced three miles into German lines. As part of Totalize II the 1st Polish Armoured Division started its attack down the Cramesnil Road, towards Robertesnil. When the Poles emerged from the woods, they were engaged by twenty Tigers of the 12th SS Panzer Division Hitlerjugend, hidden near Saint-Sylvain. The inexperienced Poles attacked with courage rather than skill, losing 26 of their 36 tanks. Six of the heavy Tigers were knocked out by the outclassed Shermans. When Major Stefanowicz’s 1st Polish Armoured Regiment captured Cramesnil Hill, nine M4s were destroyed by a single ‘88’, the closest within 70 yards of the wrecked gun.
That brings us to MACZUGA, also in EVERYMAN Edition and a module that contains what the publisher feels are some of our best, most evocative Normandy maps, ripe with LOS nuances and terrain that demands close examination. You will be in command of the tactical-level struggles of the Falaise Pocket, a titanic battle that preceded the Ruckmarsch back to the Seine.
OUT OVER SKIS: I am just going to put it out there. IMO the Normandy maps you will see in MACZUGA, using the 3-sided geo format, and the NEW GEN 2024 hex size, are the finest we have ever produced in terms of appearance and the compelling terrain presented for you to master. One man's opinion, yes -- but unafraid to put it out there. These maps are inspired by a CH GEO BOARD CONTEST award winner, BTW.
>> SPECIAL: Order during the weekend of 28 June - 1 July 2024 and receive FREE 560 color, die-cut British Normandy MMC/SMC/SW to use with the scenarios. <<