ASLComp Guardia: Spanish Civil War EM Edition

ASLComp Guardia: Spanish Civil War EM Edition
    Price: $119.95
    Shipping Weight: 3.00 pounds
    Quantity in Basket: None

    It has been ten years since we touched on the subject of the Spanish Civil War, and over 20 since a pair of brothers from Spain came to use to get into print accordingly. Since then, The Lad has been to the Hemingway Museum and back, see an earlier Friday Emailer for some pics and such. IIRC there is at least one six-toed cat included.

    The Spanish Civil War of 17 July 1936 to 1 April 1939 and served as the ‘dry-run’ for World War II. In a continent on the brink of world war Spain was divided against itself in a bloody conflict that pitted communists, monarchists, anarchists, fascists, socialists and democrats in a battle between men of every loyalty known in the mid-twentieth century. This intense conflict brought into play the relationship between Franco and Hitler, Stalin’s involvement in the form of Russian weaponry, and Mussolini’s deployment of Italian troops. In a set-piece never again seen in the twentieth century, the heroics of those who rallied to the side of democracy were lit by the backdrop of the bloodshed at Guernica.

    The war ended with a victory by the Nationalists, the overthrow of the Republican Government, and the exile of thousands of Spanish Republicans. It also led to the establishment of the long-standing dictatorship of General Francisco Franco, a ruler that kept his country out of the disaster of World War II and led Spain until his death in November 1975.

    What You Get:

    8 New boards used in the scenarios

    New Color Folio

    10 scenarios that use the counters provided

    Chapter H Notes in full color using the counters provided

    Special Rules in full color using the counters provided

    >>> Order during the weekend of 31 JANUARY - 3 FEBRUARY 2025 AND RECEIVE 736 COLOR, DUE-CUT NATIONALIST counters from the latest printing.

    >> Special AND prine shown extended through weekend of 7-10 February 2025 <<
