Code: ASLHEROES_1
    Price: $29.95
    Shipping Weight: 1.00 pounds
    Quantity in Basket: None
    HEROES FOREVER Is it the publisher alone that ponders, ‘I wonder how long’ about something … and then you find out ‘it’s been years’? Nah, I didn’t think that was some original thought! It is high time the effort was underway to bring back OOP material – and to do so in the original format. With all known errata input, and freshend up with the artwork that we’ve had commissioned in the interim, plus other color flourishes. That brings us to the OOP Hero PAX 1-4. A bevy of designers took part – and you’ll find 3 new names harvested from the credits – at the contributor list at the tactical level gaming site – now at a round 150 men. So there’s no mistaking, the sets are ready to ship late next week, are HEROES 1, HEROES 2, HEROES 3, and HEROES 4. New packaging, all the updates mentioned above (art, errata and so on) but otherwise, as designed, using the standard boards from your standard collection – boards 1-2-3-4-5 to 10, 21, 32, nothing you don’t own. We’re making these available on a limited basis – the entire set brings you 36 scenarios, about 280 hours of playing time, soup to nuts.