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ASLComp Scotland the Brave 1 MONSTER Map Set
ASLComp Scotland the Brave 1 MONSTER Map Set
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Q. Will there be Monster SC? Still my favorite module/s after all this time.
We've had a MON version of that waiting in the file cabinet - and as a nice thought experiment, we're getting it to you for shipment next week - JUST BECAUSE YOU SAID SO.
The 'experiment' entails trying to wield influence - and get results that quickly - anywhere else in your realm. Then report back on the results.
In the meantime, the Scottish Corridor 1 and 2 MONSTER Map sets will be up at the site to go with the Friday Emailer today. They print Monday and hit the post Wednesday.
They are not same same as the most recent editions of the standard versions. We improved the ground color palette to eliminate what the eye of the publisher felt was 'too much brown' - used for Level 1/+10. You can see from the attached sample, the hexes are much larger - in keeping with the MONSTER approach. The entire thing laid out is very impressive and Ian's design work has stood the test of time. Other changes include a new treatment for the grain/crops, again along the lines of a more 'Summer '44' look - you know we are into that kind of thing and keep at it.
Per the usual, you will need to own the corresponding ASLComp/ATS modules and their listed components to use the MONSTER Map sets.
Also, the MON maps for Scots 1 and 2 link for use with the scenarios that play on the larger, linked-maps battlefield.
The entire linked affair is twelve feet long. Just right for one of those 72 hex arty shoots!
This is the BRAND NEW Scotland the Brave MONSTER Map set with new terrain colors and more. You must own Scotland the Brave 1, and edition to use this set.
The first time ever for the MON MAP for this module. A limit run, ships next week!