Untitled Document
Dien Bien Phu, FRENCH INDOCHINA, 28 March
1954: By March 27th, General DeCastries
faced a major problem: how to deal with the Viet Minh AA-guns
that were seriously hampering his efforts at air resupply for
the garrison. He decided that the next day he would send a large
strike out to the west of the garrison’s position, tasked
to capture a nest of AA batteries near the villages of Bang Ong
Pet, and Ban Ban. The man he chose for the job was the most respected
leader in the French garrison: Major Marcel Bigeard, affectionately
known by a nick-name earned during his days in the resistance:
Bruno. Behind a powerful barrage and ample air support the French
attack came in. The 6th BPC (Colonial Parachute Battalion) struck
Bang Ong Pet while the 8th BPC struck Ban Ban. The 8th achieved
its objectives quickly, but the 6th was pinned down by stiff resistance.
Three Chaffee tanks came up to reinforce the latter French assault
and Viet Minh resistance soon gave way. When it was over the French
were astounded at their success. Not only had they captured five
20mm AA-guns, twelve 12.7 AA MGs, and killed some 350 of the enemy,
but they had done it against the elite 308th division, viewed
by both armies to be the best unit the Viet Minh possessed.
Word is this long OOP game is going for
a few hundred at Ebay. We are not
here to squish anyone's speculation in gold, silver or wargames.
What we are here to do is update a classic
in a big way. That means new map, new geo boards, new overlays,
new counters, new color themed scenarios, color play aids, and
color rules. That's a lot of new and we feel you will really be
happy you put this module in your collection.
NOTE: THIS IS A VERY LIMITED PRINT RUN and as long as you see the page you can reserve
your copy. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. You get a large historical
map, 3 geo boards, an overlay set, play aid and rules in color,
and two full sheets of color, die-cut counters, plus color folio
-- and a collection of 16 scenarios to use it all with!