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Hill 362 A, Iwo Jima, 3 March 1945 (D+12): Marine armored dozers were available across the
battlefield, were in constant demand and were moved from one hot
spot to another. Usually escorted by a full platoon to ensure
its security from enemy sappers and tank hunter-killer teams,
at one point a Corporal by the name of Daniels had to escort some
dozers with a handful of battle-weary Marines. The Marine soldiers
knew the duty drew an inordinate amount of enemy artillery fire,
as well as Japanese tank-hunting teams. Daniels was detailed to
escort a dozer team forward through a previously secured area
when the Japanese attacked. Swarmed by enemy soldiers carrying
demolitions charges, Daniels had to call for help. After help
arrived and the situation stabilized and Daniels recalled one
Japanese soldier emerging from a cave carrying an artillery shell
and a hammer. The enemy soldier had been given a heavy shell and
he could not move very fast. Undeterred, the man stumbled over
rocks and debris, picking up the shell multiple times after dropping
it, and moving forward only to fall again. Daniels could hear
his BAR man laugh at the macabre
scene. Moments later the persistent Japanese soldier was cut down
in a hail of Marine bullets
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