U.S. Army veteran, West Point grad and author LTC Mark W, Johnson - That Body of Brave Men: The U.S. Regular Infantry and The Civil War In The West - click here to buy a copy, highly reccommended - created the work that was p[orted to become CWASL, with "CW" standing for Civil War. From there, another West Pointer, Robert 'Bob' Davis joined the effort. Bob led a team of CHers, including PJ Norton and Dave Lamb on a visit to the Gettsburg battlefield, complete with his own map-set and a wealth of knoweldge. That led to no less than four straight years visiting, checking LOS's and researching at places such as Devil's Den, the Peach Orchard, the Wheatfield and more ... culminating in a chance for YOU to share in the experience.
CWASL defies critics, and even well-known period designers such as Richard Berg (dec.) by way of proof of concept that the Civil War COULD be simulated at our chosen scale. Many ASLers have joined the effort and all you need to bring is your curiosity, ASLRB and markers. A couple of six-sided dice, and perhaps a visit to Gettysburg ... also suggested. The approach here covers all the bases from Historical Modules to geo-board based sets. CWASL: ASLComp American Civil War |