Over 25 years ago ASLer and prolific author and scenario designer Steve Swann, U.S.M.C. submitted the first edition of PLATOON LEADER as a way to bring Campaign Gaming to the fore after the initial success of Red Barricades had introduced the hobby to the genre. Steve's work was as detailed as his usual take, found in various issues of CH Magazine, as well as the ASL Annual and The General magazine. Steve's first scenario published on our presses was CH #12, "Snow Ghosts" -- joined in CH Magazine #2 by his excellent "Nionety Minute War" -- one of the best tournament scenarios ever. Steve's article "Scenario Design: Science or Art" in CH Magazine, Volume 3, No. 1 has never been topped by any ASLer and that is saying something. Swann ponders the issues with a little help from one of the top men ever to grace the hobby and the pages of The General, former editor Rex Martin: "Several times during the past few years I have been asked what method I use in designing scenarios. There have been letters to Rex Martin, when he was the editor of THE GENERAL, asking the same general question... how to design ASL scenarios? Rex Martin stated in the GENERAL that scenario design for ASL® is just as much a Science as an Art form, and I must agree with Rex wholeheartedly. Science or Art? That is a question that can be tough to answer when asked in the context of designing ASL® scenarios." Steve Swann; page 28; CH Magazine, Vol. 3, No. 1 This brings us to the CG System PLATOON LEADER. Since its inception, a multitude of designers have created Campaign Games for their works. They range from Larry Winslow, Dave Lamb, 'Tank' Porterfield, and others that use the 'menu' mataphor, coupled with Platoon Leader's unqiue 'Intensity" levels and MLR approach, that last simpifiying the process used to draw the 'perimeter' in modules like Red Barricades and Kampfgruppe Peiper. ASLComp Platoon Leader Campaign Game System |